The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

I guess all the sleep I got while I was sick caught up with me. I had a serious case of insomnia last night. Didn't fall asleep until daylight. And I was too stubborn to get up and do something else besides lie there and will myself to sleep (that, and it was cold). So now I'm really very tired. No cash on hand, so instead of imbibing caffienated beverages I'm popping Vivarin because that's all I have. I have to go to my next class so I can turn in a short paper (which I still need to knock out here in the next hour or so), but there's a good chance I won't make it to my 2:30 class.

Of course, I'm sure none of this will hinder my staying up until 3 AM tonight chatting Buffy with the west coasters. At least tomorrow's a vacation day.

Also? I'm hungry.

On an unrelated note, yesterday whilst copying "Sleeper" for Terrence I took a moment to watch the basement scene. Then last night when I got home I watched "Intervention." So today I'm even more full of love for Spike than usual. And my excitement over tonight's episode being Spike-centric is doing a lot more to sustain me than the Vivarin. Apparently there is no such thing as being too tired for the RMoS.


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