Bad day. Bad, bad day. So far it's been the sort where anything that could go wrong has gone wrong. I overslept, I forgot to set up the coffeemaker last night so I had no coffee this morning, I had a raging headache, I was late for my test, and on my way to said test I tripped up the stairs and bruised the hell out of my leg and foot. At least nobody was around to witness, so at least that much worked out. And I'm pretty sure I did well on the test, despite headache, lack of caffiene, shooting pain through leg and foot, and the class next door watching a video very loudly. Then after the test, I headed across town to pay my auto insurance, which is due today, but when I got there and saw that they were closed for Veteran's Day I remembered that they told me to come by on Tuesday instead. So I felt like a dork driving all over town. Headed back to Sonic to grab some food and caffiene, and had to wait for a train. La la la, such a fun day. I'm at my internship site now, and everybody's out at recess, so at least I've got some quiet time to regroup. I'm just praying that the kids won't be all scary this afternoon and that the rest of the day will go more smoothly. Here's hopin'!
The Original Blog O' Jean
Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.
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