The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Friday, November 29, 2002

Hope everybody had a happy Thanksgiving. My condolences to those who had to go back to work today. Me, I slept in and now I'm having a late breakfast of pumpkin roll. Mmm, pumpkin roll. Fizzgigg is apparently also a fan of the pumpkin roll, because I went to get some coffee just now before I started blogging and instead of wandering off or giving up and going to lie down, he sat in the same spot and patiently waited for me to return and feed him more pumpkin roll bits. And now it's all gone and he's still sitting there, staring at me.

I had a nice, uneventful turkey day. All of the sibs and their spouses and children (and, in one case, in-laws) came over for lunch. Much ado was made over little sister, who just found out she's having a boy (Yay, a little boy! But sigh, I'll never have a niece). As we're all broke this year, we drew names for Christmas gift giving, so I only have to worry about buying for my big sister this year. Which is really a huge relief.

I forgot to ask to borrow my brother-in-law's extended LoTR DVDs, so last night I ended up watching the last leg of the Buffy marathon on FX. Since it was viewer's choice I'd figured that the Ducks would bombard the voting and turn the whole thing into a giant B/A-fest, but I was pleasantly surprised to see how Spike and Spuffy-centric most of it was. Then when it was over I had to watch "Never Leave Me" again before I went to bed. I think the scene in Buffy's basement is my favorite moment in the entire series. I love both characters so much there, and it's a shining example of what I always knew that their relationship could be: open, honest, supportive, and bringing out the best in each other. Not to mention super sexy, even without the smoochies. Spike in chains. Rrowrr.

Today I'm cleaning and, hopefully, writing. Been a while since I've done that last one, and getting back in the proverbial saddle is never easy. Had a bit of a relapse with my cold, so I may use the excuse of needing to rest to put off the cleaning part until tomorrow and focus entirely on writing today. I just hope I actually write something instead of sitting here being blocked and playing ridiculously long stretches of solitaire. Wish me luck.


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