2 PM - Arrive at Hilton. Find pageant guy. Get told to have a seat and hang out in lobby until they're ready for me. Find other temp and make small talk, then sit and read for forty-five minutes while pageant people get their shit together.
2:50 - Succumb to hunger and boredom and sneak off with other temp to find vending machines.
3:00 - Arrive back in hotel lobby and just get started on bag of chips when pageant MC decides it's finally time to tell us what our jobs are. Get handed written instructions for my job, then sit and wait while other temp gets quickie training. Sit and wait and read some more while MC and other temp register pageant contestants.
4:00 - Follow MC upstairs. Get handed stop-watch. Proceed to check contestants' names off list, explain interview procedure to them, send them in to judges, time room, knock on door after two minutes, knock again after 3, explain to girls where to go next when they come out. Rinse, lather and repeat for next five hours.
5:00-ish - Nurse sore, purpling knuckles. Politely laugh at ten thousandth joke about how my knuckles sure must hurt. Start making waiting contestants do my knocking for me.
7:00 - Realize dinner break won't be happening and thank Jesus that I still had an old Slim-Fast bar in my purse.
9:00 - Usher out last contestant. Sit and wait while pageant coordinator explains stuff to one group of judges. Explain to second set of judges suddenly bombarding me with questions and wanting to go home that I'm just a temp and I don't know anything. Listen to them whine. Tell them coordinator has more instructions for them. Get assured that he's told them all they need to know and get handed their judges' notes to give to coordinator. Watch them leave seconds before coordinator dismisses first set and heads in to debrief second set. Explain to coordinator that they took off and gave me all of their notes. Watch coordinator have meltdown. Get dismissed, but asked to come in forty-five minutes early next morning. Blink while inwardly cringing at how early this would mean I'd have to get up, but smile and agree. Get the hell out before he starts cussin' about absentee judges again.
11:00 - Arrive home after stop at Wal-Mart to put money on gas card and get some cash, both of which took ridiculously long time to do, stop at gas pumps, and stop at Sonic for food, glorious food. Take melatonin and get in bed. Take an hour and a half to fall asleep.
6 AM - Wake up. Try not to be stunned by early hour. Get dressed, get shit together, eat breakfast, leave.
8:10 - Arrive at pageant auditorium five minutes early. Wander around for ten minutes trying to figure out exactly where I'm supposed to go. Ask cop on pageant security duty where the pageant people are. Find out he's as clueless as I am. Feel really safe and secure. Happen upon pageant photographer and follow him to rest of crew. Stand about while they decide what to have me do first.
8:45 - Get taken to backstage storage room with several boxes full of trophy parts. Commence unpacking and assembling pageant trophies.
9:20 - Watch pageant coordinator's face fill with joy and relief upon mentioning that Tulsa does indeed have a Starbucks. Get handed wad of cash and coffee order. Decide I don't so much mind getting coffee for the menfolk when it involves getting to leave and go to Starbucks and getting to put a caramel latte for myself on the tab.
9:45 - Arrive back with coffee to find Miss Teen (and Jr. Teen and Pre-Teen) Tulsa Pageant rehearsals underway. Hang out backstage and watch whilst enjoying my latte. Think that this temp gig sure beats labeling file folders.
10-ish - Stand back and watch as girls who still needed to pay fees filed in to do so. Watch one girl's working class mama cart in armload of envelopes and plastic bags full of coins and singles. Sit down with mama and help her count all the money out and hear about how her daughter went out every day to raise sponsorship money to cover her fees, canvasing neighborhood, selling candy outside grocery stores, etc. Watch mama almost burst with pride as she goes on about what a good kid and great student her girl is. Start rooting for this girl to win.
10:30 - Receive quick tour of dressing rooms and route contestants will take from stage doors to get to them. Proceed to give same tour to groups of contestants as they finish rehearsals and exit the stage.
Noonish - Finish showing girls where to go. Hang out and watch as MC finishes explaining pageant rules and procedure to girls and parents. Wonder when lunch break will happen. Stop wondering when handed more cash and list of Quiznos orders.
One-ish - Return from Quiznos to find pageant folks missing. Hang out with stage hand and trade pageant stories and discuss
Showbiz Moms & Dads until pageant folks return. Listen to more pageant stories and mocking while eating.
1:30 PM - Set out snacks on judges' tables.
2:00 - Help arrives in form of second temp. Give her tour of backstage and dressing rooms. Start hauling trophies from storage room to table hidden off stage right. Get abandoned when other temp decides to go out to car and change into more sensible shoes. Haul rest of trophies across stage myself. Grumble grumble.
2:30 - Get in position to direct girls and their mothers to dressing rooms in case they already forgot how to find them. Watch as cop lady is assigned security post and given instructions on who to let into dressing area.
2:45 - Stand out of the way as girls and mothers file in. Laugh at deer-in-headlights look on cop ladies face as she tries not to get trampled. Boggle at how many girls have to be re-shown where dressing rooms are. Run around like chicken with head cut off trying to help girls find bathrooms, straight pins, lost contestant numbers, lost mothers, etc.
3:20 - Start wrangling girls toward stage and lining them up to go on. Have time to watch pageant during casual wear competition, between having to go round up more girls.
4-ish - First pre-teen group finishes, has to change for formal wear competition. Start to lose all track of time as things start going to hell. One girl decides her dress doesn't fit right so she's going to quit and go home, but doesn't tell anyone. I run all over building, check every nook and cranny, go outside, everywhere I can think to look, trying to find her or her parents or anyone who might know where she went. Am on the verge of panic when friend finally informs us that she left. Somehow manage to get all other girls out on stage on time. Starting to feel exhausted and harried, legs and back are sore, ready to start smacking some teenage girls around if they don't stop talking backstage when told for fifth time to do so. Ask cop lady to please trade jobs, will even go to police school if I have to. Get turned down with a wide-eyed "No way in hell am I going in there."
8:00-ish - Formal wear competition is over. Wrangle all girls back onstage for final bows and judging. Finally get to sit down and watch as ten finalists from each division are revealed and sent backstage. Try to get sqealy finalists to keep it down while stuff is still happening onstage. Escort eleven year-old who is so nervous and excited she's about to pee to bathroom, then hustle her back before anybody misses her. Herd losers off stage and back into dressing rooms. Go back to help get finalists back on stage. Stand back and watch as runners-up and then winners are revealed. Watch "oh shit" reactions from pageant directors when Pre-Teen and Jr. Teen winners turn out to be sisters. Get happy when girl who raised all her own money wins Teen title. Get sent to keep parents of winners from rushing stage long enough for publicity photos to be taken. See Teen winner's mama crying, and start crying myself. See Teen winner crying, and cry some more. See eleven year old who almost peed herself crying her eyes out over not winning anything and feel really bad for her.
9:00 - Get time sheets signed by pageant director and dismissed. Leave thinking that was one of the most fun jobs I've ever had, but also the most exhausting, and hope to never have to do anything like that again. Drive home, manage to eat something, crawl into bed and proceed to sleep for twelve hours.
Crawl out of bed around 11. Settle on sofa and proceed to watch VH-1 all day. Knit. Think that Axl Rose sure was purdy and it's a damn shame he had to get all bloated and kinda psychotic. Eat occasionally. Boggle at how sore my feet and legs still are. Go back to bed and sleep some more.
And that would be my weekend. Monday was a day for hanging out with family and running errands. Not much got done in the way of writing, but I did manage some more faerie research. I also worked out despite
still being sore from all that running around I did backstage at the pageant, so go me. Tomorrow -- er, today, actually; damn, it's late -- things should get back on track, so long as I can get myself up early enough to start writing before any of the day's business has a chance to distract me and completely blow my focus.