9:40 AM
Well, crap. Not sure how I'm doing in my Social Problems class. Missed last Tuesday because I was sick, showed up Thursday unprepared for the test (both physically and knowledge-wise -- didn't bring a blue book or a No. 2 pencil an dhad to borrow both), missed this Tuesday because I overslept (I was sleeping off a Nyquil coma), so I didn't find out how I did on my test. Today I made it to class, at least -- but with the wrong book. And I didn't do the reading assignment, natch, because I didn't even know we'd moved on to the next book. Right now I"m supposed to be taking five minutes to summarize the material. Riiiight! I just really hope he doesn't call on me to read my "summary" to the class, because I doubt anybody really wants to hear my slacker blog entry.
Thank God for strong coffee.
I also hope we're not being graded on these summaries.
10:13 AM
Still in Soc. Probs. About 30 minutes left. The prof's off on a tangent and I've given up all hope of taking coherent notes.
I'm kinda starting to crush on the guy sitting across from me. He's in both of my research groups (and here's hoping he never stumbles across my blog). He seems really nice. He laughs at my jokes. Dude, if people laugh at my jokes, that's something. Most people don't even get that I'm joking about two-thirds of the time. One of the drawbacks of a dry sense of humor, I s'pose. Anyway, he's probably too young for me (although, being a 3rd year student, he's got to be at least 21, so at least he's legal, so I'm not a dirty old lady), but golly, he's cute.
Anyway. Didja watch Enterprise last night (that's right, it's fall, and that means there will be much discussion of television. Deal)? What the hell is up with that theme song? Where's the cool Jerry Goldsmith score? Feh. Damn Berman. Easy listening pop tunes have no place in Star Trek.
Anyway, again.
Klingons crashing in rural Oklahoma! That's pretty cool right there. How about that gratuitous skin scene between T'Pol & Tripp? I wasn't sure if that was supposed to tell us that they are hot for each other, or that they totally are not. How do they get the two hottest people in the cast to take off most of their clothes and rub each other down and make it absolutely NOT sexy? Whatever.
Verdict: Show, okay, has potential. Buffy promos during commercials: HEE HEE HEE HEE! I actually might have been able to get into Enterprise more if I didn't spend most of my time watching it hoping they'd show another Buffy promo and then being all excited when they did.
Speaking of Buffy, they're finally showing an ep I don't already have on video tonight on FX. "Teacher's Pet," I think. One I've never seen before! Whee!
Update: I got my test back after class. I scored an 81. With his grading scale, I think that's a high C. But considering I was expecting to score in the 65 - 75 range, that was a nice surprise. Also, he did not ask us to turn in those summaries we were supposed to be writing whilst I was constructing most of this entry. So I'm not totally screwed in that class. Yay!