The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Thursday, September 27, 2001

9:40 AM

Well, crap. Not sure how I'm doing in my Social Problems class. Missed last Tuesday because I was sick, showed up Thursday unprepared for the test (both physically and knowledge-wise -- didn't bring a blue book or a No. 2 pencil an dhad to borrow both), missed this Tuesday because I overslept (I was sleeping off a Nyquil coma), so I didn't find out how I did on my test. Today I made it to class, at least -- but with the wrong book. And I didn't do the reading assignment, natch, because I didn't even know we'd moved on to the next book. Right now I"m supposed to be taking five minutes to summarize the material. Riiiight! I just really hope he doesn't call on me to read my "summary" to the class, because I doubt anybody really wants to hear my slacker blog entry.

Thank God for strong coffee.

I also hope we're not being graded on these summaries.

10:13 AM

Still in Soc. Probs. About 30 minutes left. The prof's off on a tangent and I've given up all hope of taking coherent notes.

I'm kinda starting to crush on the guy sitting across from me. He's in both of my research groups (and here's hoping he never stumbles across my blog). He seems really nice. He laughs at my jokes. Dude, if people laugh at my jokes, that's something. Most people don't even get that I'm joking about two-thirds of the time. One of the drawbacks of a dry sense of humor, I s'pose. Anyway, he's probably too young for me (although, being a 3rd year student, he's got to be at least 21, so at least he's legal, so I'm not a dirty old lady), but golly, he's cute.

Anyway. Didja watch Enterprise last night (that's right, it's fall, and that means there will be much discussion of television. Deal)? What the hell is up with that theme song? Where's the cool Jerry Goldsmith score? Feh. Damn Berman. Easy listening pop tunes have no place in Star Trek.

Anyway, again.

Klingons crashing in rural Oklahoma! That's pretty cool right there. How about that gratuitous skin scene between T'Pol & Tripp? I wasn't sure if that was supposed to tell us that they are hot for each other, or that they totally are not. How do they get the two hottest people in the cast to take off most of their clothes and rub each other down and make it absolutely NOT sexy? Whatever.

Verdict: Show, okay, has potential. Buffy promos during commercials: HEE HEE HEE HEE! I actually might have been able to get into Enterprise more if I didn't spend most of my time watching it hoping they'd show another Buffy promo and then being all excited when they did.

Speaking of Buffy, they're finally showing an ep I don't already have on video tonight on FX. "Teacher's Pet," I think. One I've never seen before! Whee!


Update: I got my test back after class. I scored an 81. With his grading scale, I think that's a high C. But considering I was expecting to score in the 65 - 75 range, that was a nice surprise. Also, he did not ask us to turn in those summaries we were supposed to be writing whilst I was constructing most of this entry. So I'm not totally screwed in that class. Yay!

Tuesday, September 25, 2001

MBTV - Strega's Angel recaplet

Monday, September 24, 2001

Angel spoilers ...











So Darla's pregnant.


I freakin' hate Darla.

So Buffy's dead and Angel's okay. Hmm. Maybe that's 'cause they've moved on. They're not soul mates. They're not destined to be together forever. Because Angel so clearly belongs with Cordy. Just like Buffy so obviously should be with Spike. Hee!

I like Wesley's new 'do. I'm not sure about Fred yet. I hope she regains her senses before she gets much more screen time. Or that she gets rid of that annoying fake Southern accent, or whatever that's supposed to be.

Nice to see Phantom Dennis again, although his bathing Cordy was a little odd. No wonder he doesn't mind being trapped in the Netherworld in Cordy's apartment. Although, that scene takes on a whole new meaning if you keep in mind Pete's theory that Phantom Dennis is really Phantom Doyle.

Speaking of dead Irishmen, Angelus's Irish brogue still hasn't gotten any more convincing. But even so, having watched "Welcome to the Hellmouth" on FX earlier tonight, I must say that David Boreanaz's acting has vastly improved over the years.

The new B/A season is here! Yay!!!

Whee! New Angel starts tonight! So does syndicated Buffy! And only eight days till brand spanking new Buffy! WHEEEEEE!!!

Sorry. Had to get that out of my system.

What a week. Last weekend I went to Nashville, to hook up with some friends from the Buffy boards. Yes, this was supposed to be the fanfic writing weekend, which was supposed to have culminated in the most amazing episode ever of Dancing Lessons; but other things were on our minds, and our episode schedule has been thrown off kilter, so we didn't get any writing done. We did some brainstorming, and came up with a battle plan, but mostly, we just hung out and enjoyed each other's company all weekend. It was nice, and well worth the drive.

But by the time I got home last Sunday night, I was sick. I thought I was just tired, but Monday morning I woke up with a fever and swollen glands on one side of my neck. Yick. So that went on a few days, during which I mostly slept. In my waking hours I tried to study for a test I had to take Thursday in Social Problems. Some of the studying must have been successful, because I'm fairly certain I passed, which was what I was aiming for. Friday I was feeling better, so I went out to do some shopping with my sister-in-law. She's been married to my brother for five years, and this was the first time she and I have ever gotten together to do anything where we weren't part of a larger group. It was nice. We had fun. I bought some clothes I couldn't really afford, which is always a nice mood lifter. Since then, I've been playing catch up.

Speaking of which, my e-mail account that's linked on all of my web sites has been inaccessible for several days now. If they don't fix it today I'll probably open up a hotmail account, at least temporarily. If you've sent any e-mail to that address, I can't get to it. If you know me well enough to be privy to my ISP addie and have sent e-mail there and haven't heard back from me, see above for my excuse.

I'm almost caught up. Still have some e-mails to answer, and some tapes and CDs to make for people, and a story to finish, and then I start studying for another round of tests, beginning with another Psych test this Thursday. Yay.

Oh. Remember that story that I entered in a scholarship contest sponsored by the Scientologists? Well, the L. Ron Hubbard foundation, at any rate. Same difference. Anyway, I didn't place, but they said it was a "commendable effort." Whatever. These are the same people who think Battlefield Earth is a s/f masterpiece. So anyway, now I'm going to try to sell it, so wish me luck with that.

Thursday, September 13, 2001

Um, Pete? Really bad example. We didn't harbor McVeigh. We were the first ones to arrest his sorry ass. Granted, we arrested him for traffic violations, but the only "harbor" he got down here was inside an Oklahoma jail cell, where he sat until the Feds came to pick him up.

I mean, dude. I'm not one to easily take offense, but that's cutting it pretty close right there.

Wednesday, September 12, 2001

If you're looking for a diversion, Episode 12 of War! went up over the weekend. I have no idea when the next episode will go up, but probably not any time this week.

I wrote this one. I spent two weeks on it, and neglected my studies to get it in on time. So this week I'm paying for it. I'm terribly far behind on my reading. My next assignment for my online Intro to Business class is due Saturday by midnight. Normally I'd just buckle down and do it Saturday, but Friday I'm heading to Nashville for a much needed weekend with some online friends. So I need to get it turned in by tomorrow night. I also have an extra credit essay due tomorrow afternoon for Social Problems, and a test in that class a week from tomorrow. My Reasearch Methods class also has a test coming up soon, and I haven't even finished the first reading assignment for that class. So today was supposed to be spent getting caught up on my studies.

Right. Like I could focus on any of that. I've sat down to do it many times today. I think I managed to answer one question on my Business homework. I just can't keep my mind on my work. I wanted to go to church tonight, to pray and to be with other people who are just as upset and freaked out as I am, but I didn't, because I've got all this homework to do. Yet here I sit at my computer, blogging about how I can't focus long enough to do any of it.

It just seems wrong to be going on with our daily lives, doing the things we would normally do, when so much is just not normal right now. Yet at the same time we have to, because it would be so wrong of us not to. To lie down, to curl up in a ball and try to wish it all away, to put our lives on hold to bask in the sheer horror of it all ... we can't do that, because that's what they want us to do. So people had to go to their jobs today, children had to go to school. People did laundry and went grocery shopping and got together with friends for lunch, and wished that they could be useful, that they could do something to help all of the people who spent today digging through rubble in the hopes of saving just one life, or the people who spent today searching hospitals for some glimmer of hope that their loved ones made it out alive. Life has to go on, and we have to go on, or else we're defeated.

So. I'm gonna go do some homework now.

One of the most depressing and irritating things about this is all of the anti-American sentiment being voiced. It's nothing new, but right now it's just a little harder to take. To those people who say we all had this coming, well ... Sars said it a lot better than I can.

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

I heard from Tara. She's safe, and as sound as can be under the circumstances.

I'm relieved and thankful and glad. But I'm also horrified and profoundly sad and confused and in shock.

I don't understand why this happened. Palestinians are celebrating and dancing in the streets, and I don't understand that, either. I just don't understand how this could all be happening.

Locally, rumors have been flying around that gas prices already shot up to over $3 per gallon, and people rushed to the pumps. They even had to have police directing traffic at the gas stations. Turns out it was just a rumor, gas prices haven't risen yet, and they're only expected to rise by 25 to 50 cents.

In less surreal and scary news, I took my first test of the semester this morning, in Abnormal Psych. Concentrating on it wasn't easy, but I'm pretty sure I passed.

Oh God. OhGodohGodohGodohGod.

The first I heard about today's events was in a frantic e-mail this morning from a friend in New York who was in her office building 5 blocks away from the World Trade Center. Haven't heard from her since. Her name is Tara. Please pray for her.

Sunday, September 02, 2001

Lots on my plate this weekend, what with homework and reading and my last ep of War being due this week. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up on all my blog reading and get back to making regular entries here in the next couple of days. Hopefully also I'll be able to squeeze in some time tomorrow for a movie and some light shopping with my best friend, if she's available.

Anyway, speaking of War, Episode 11 went up Friday night. It's brilliant. Go read it. And if you're an Anya-hater (what's wrong with you?!), you'll particularly enjoy it. Either way, have some tissues handy.