So. I wrote a poem on my lunch hour. I didn't totally neglect my book, but what I wrote was more of an outline of the rest of the chapter than actual story. And then I gave it up and wrote the poem, because I was feeling particularly inspired, and I refuse to feel guilty about it because it's been years since I've felt inspired to write any kind of poetry and it felt good to exercise those muscles again. And no, you can't see it, because it's private, dammit. Plus it's still rough and needs some tweaking.
The Original Blog O' Jean
Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Linky-loo: Censoround: Book challenges and free speech news, via Bookslut Blog.
Yesterday was apparently the day for bad traffic slowing me down. On the way home last night I got held up by stupid-ass Oklahoma drivers who a) never figured out the most efficient way to handle merging traffic and b) deem it necessary to slow down to 10 mph for an accident on the other side of the oncoming lanes that isn't even on the road and isn't even that interesting to gawk at. So getting home took me about thirty minutes longer than it should have, and I was so tired that I almost nodded off at the wheel a couple of times, which has never happened to me before and was kinda scary.
Part of the reason I was so tired was because I didn't get a lunch break, due to the gal who covers our lunches calling in sick. Which I'm not really complaining about, because if it's a choice between an extra hour of overtime and being exposed to her sick germs, I'll take the overtime. But it meant that I got no writing done yesterday, which was more than a little frustrating. I should be able to make up for it today, though. *crosses fingers*
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Y'know, I start to think that I don't really have much of a temper. But then I get stuck behind some yokel going 35 mph on a 2 lane road and I realize that if my car came equipped with laser canons, I'd totally use 'em.
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Sooo sleepy. I didn’t sleep well last night—took me a while to settle down enough to fall asleep, and then I woke up for no good reason around 1 and took a while to doze back off. But I still got myself up at 4:30, and I wrote about a page. I should be able to do at least that much again on my lunch hour, too. Except, it’s a fight scene, and those are hard. I might just pull my standard fic draft cheat and write “Fighty fighting” in brackets and move on to the plot stuff and save the action for later. Sounds like a plan.
But in the mean time, I’m all draggy, and people are coming into my bullpen and saying stuff to me and I’m all, “wha?” and callers are calling and I keep forgetting my standard greeting/sorry he’s not in yet speeches, and when I do remember what to say my voice is all weak-sounding. And I’ve already had two cups of coffee plus a Vivarin, so I’m thinking I ought to lay off the caffeine for a while. I have a box of ginseng green tea stashed in the desk. Maybe that’ll do the trick. Here’s hopin’.
Monday, November 08, 2004
Heya! Haven't updated in a while, as, seeing as how this is here to chronicle my novel progress and all, there hasn't been anything worth updating about. But I managed almost three pages of a new chapter today--what will probably be Chapter 17, or close to it-- which is more than I've managed to write on it in the last two weeks, so I thought I'd post to pat myself on the back.