The RJP boards are down. Xorbit, you're breaking my heart.
I am most definitely snowed in. Should use the day to catch up on all of the reading for my classes, but I'm going to spend it writing mild Spuffy smut (smuffy?) instead. But as the road in front of my house is still hidden beneath a foot of snow, chances are I'll still be stuck here tomorrow. I can do the reading then. Yay, snow!
I realized upon waking this morning that, if cultivated properly, I very well could develop a Wesley Wyndham-Pryce obsession, especially if Spike disappears from the Joss-verse landscape after this season (because he and Buffy have gone away to get married and have tiny, tiny babies and live out their picket fence fantasies far from the Hellmouth). For now, though, my Wes ponderings are still in the realm of mild-but-growing fascination, helped along by the S1 DVDs. I'm also certain that I could totally get behind a Faith/Wes 'ship, but I'm not gonna run out and go whole-hog looking for Fesley fic or anything since I'll be kinda surprised if Faith survives the season and if she does, chances are it'll be to get her own Wes-free spinoff (that's all pure speculation, btw), so I don't need to start pinning any hopes on that pairing.
I just wrote a big, long paragraph about fic and fic rec cliches that turn me off of reading and too much hype and my own hypocrisy, but I thought I messed something up and when I hit "undo" the entire paragraph disappeared. Oh well. It probably would've just pissed people off anyway. Suffice it to say that the term "achingly beautiful" is way overused to describe poignant fics. Please for the love of Manny find another phrase. Thanks.
Also (wanted to say this on the RJP boards but since they're down I'll say it here): you're not going to get smacked down at RJP for disagreeing with me or the other admins (at least not as long as your disagreement isn't served extra-flamey or with a side of snotty condescension), about fic or anything else. Also, everything we write is fair game for criticism. DL is not a sacred cow. We wouldn't dish it out if we couldn't take it ourselves, and if the day comes when I can't take it, I'll stop dishing it out. It's nice when I say something and a bunch of people agree with me, but that gets boring fast. I know there are people there who probably don't agree with my critique of some recent fics, and I hate to think that they're afraid to say so.
Damn. I just spent an hour on this post (a lot of which went into the paragraph that got eaten). This day is already slipping away from me and I haven't even answered my e-mail yet. I'll go do that now, then for the rest of the day I'll be writing. There probably won't be any new MB tonight because I want to get this fic done.
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