The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Sunday, February 23, 2003

It's funny how reading abundant, uncritical praise for fics I hate motivates me to write. I've been trying to get it together and get focused to work on my fic all day to no avail, then I pay one visit to the "Pearls" thread at TWoP and, after I'm done gnashing my teeth and wondering what the hell is wrong with some people, I'm suddenly a writin' machine. But my "coat porn" has gotten all introspective and I haven't even gotten to all of the dialogue I wrote the other day, let alone the sex. But if I'm snowed in tomorrow and if I can stay fired up about the current state of post-GiD fic (at least as of Friday; I stopped reading them once I decided to write my own and I'd imagine the later entries are much better -- I know bit's sure is!) then there's a good chance I can finish this thing tomorrow. Then I'll just have to get it betaed. But I'm determined to have it up before the new ep airs on Tuesday.

Speaking of TWoP, this banner is too damn funny.


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