It's snowing. A lot. And sticking, too. We've already got almost a foot, and in some counties it's so deep they can't even get the snowplows and sanding trucks out on the roads. I think it's a safe bet that I won't be going anywhere for at least a couple of days. Which, selfishly, bodes well for my having time both to write and to catch up on all of my reading. And now they're saying that they're expecting an ice storm by the end of the week. Here's hoping that the current snow has a chance to melt before that happens. I'm not surprised, though. We've had a pretty mild winter so far, I knew we were still in for the Big Snow/Ice before it's over and done with.
Spent the last ten minutes watching a couple of robins hiding from the snow under the arbor out front. Their feathers are all puffed up and they're both looking around at everything like "What the hell do we do now?" Poor things. I'm sure they'll be fine but I feel awful that we don't have any seed to put out for them.
I'm just thankful that the snow held off long enough for me to go see "Miss Saigon" and to have my Angel marathon. The former was good (better than "Cats"), albeit depressing. The Engineer was really good, and now that I've seen it I'm rather appalled that Jonathan Pryce was ever cast in that role. I also liked that the actress playing Kim didn't have a perfect little body. Not that she was fat by sane standards, but never in a million years would Hollywood have cast her, at least not without demanding that she lose twenty pounds and get a personal trainer to firm up for those skimpy little outfits. She was the alternate Kim, though, so I have no idea about the primary actress. She did an amazing job, though.
As for Angel, Tess didn't start watching until the big Faith crossover, so she'd completely missed Doyle. We only watched a few of his episodes -- "City Of," "In the Dark" and "I Will Remember You" -- but that was sufficient that Tess got all choked up over "Hero." Hee. Speaking of IWRY -- eh, I don't want to get into it now. And not here. Maybe on the boards later. But suffice it to say that if I never see Buffy lick ice cream off of Angel again, that'll be too soon.
Oh, speaking of fanfic scenarios, do you ficcers ever get feedback to which you just don't know how to respond? I don't mean like "OMG ur fic ROX!!!" or "Dude, your story sucks! And so do you, you rapist apologista you!" I mean pretty well thought out criticism of your story decisions that, well, misses the point of your ending entirely and is upset with you for not following certain s/f tenets (of time travel, say) that really have no precedence in the Buffyverse. So I'm like, do I further expose my geekitude by getting into a debate about the space-time continuum and explaining how I intended things to work out, or do I just say "Hey, sorry my choices didn't work for you, thanks for writing"? Right now I'm kinda leaning toward the latter, 'cause, lazy.
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