I was going to be all responsible this week and attend every single one of my classes all week long for once, but when 2 AM rolled around and I was still on AIM and still reading fluffy Spuffy fic (needed fluff to take the edge off the angst I'm writing -- btw, Spuffy fluff good, and I appreciate any and all recs of such (as long as it's really Spuffy and not some pairing that will make me want to gouge my eyes out trying to pass itself off as Spuffy), so share 'em if you've got 'em), I knew I'd already blown that resolution. But that's okay. Tulsa schools are closed for President's Day anyway, so I don't have to go intern, and anyway I can't really bring myself to feel guilty about skipping my MWF classes because, as I've said before, physical attendence on days that aren't test days feel like a complete waste of time because the lectures and discussions are totally subject to the professor's whim and have absolutely nothing to do with the material that we're supposed to learn. And they don't take roll. So if I can get As without showing up and not have my absences counted against me, it's kinda hard to feel too motivated to go, especially on days when it's freaking cold outside and I don't want to leave the house and everybody else I know has the day off anyway. So I didn't. Go to class, that is.
So today I'm all about DL. Betaing scenes, figuring out what the hold up is on the current chapter, futzing with my own chapter, burning more CDs, and what have you. For the afternoon, at least. Tonight I'm really hoping to get back to my novel and try to make some progress there. Possibly even finish the first chapter. I might go ahead and post it and the prologue up somewhere for betas. I think that once I have three chapters I'm going to go ahead and shop them and my outline around to some agencies. I know they say you should try to handle your first novel on your own but, well, I tried that with my actual first novel and didn't get anywhere. Granted, I only sent it to one publisher and decided it sucked after only one rejection letter -- but really, it does have problems (the protagonist has some Mary Sue qualities, for one thing), and needs a lot of revising before I ever try it again, which I doubt I ever will. Gotta keep with the moving forward, after all. Like a shark. With feet. And on land. Anyway. An agent would make everything so much easier, and the worst that can happen is that nobody will take me on and I'll end up having to submit the finished manuscript all on my lonesome, right? Plus, I think I want to parlay my fic bunny from a while back into an attempt at a tie-in novel (I mean, come on! Getting paid to write fanfic? How could I not at least try?), and from what I understand your chances of getting those even read by the folks at Pocketbooks, let alone published, increase greatly if you have representation.
So, yeah. That's today's agenda, with a whole lotta digression on the side. Oh, and starting today I'm going to respond to comments immediately instead of saving them for later. And maybe this week I'll actually get caught up on all of my LJ comments. Maybe.
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