The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Saturday, February 08, 2003

My third of DL 3.10 is hereby finished (not counting post-beta revisions, natch). And there was much rejoicing. Now I need to devote the rest of my weekend to studying, which bites, but that's life. I thought I only had to do the chapter readings for Monday's easy multiple choice test in Marriage & Family, but no, my Social Theory professor e-mailed us yesterday to let us know that he's moved his scary hard essay test form Thursday to Tuesday. Grr. Though, at least this means I'll be done with tests on Tuesday and will be able to participate in chats after Buffy and Angel this week, so that's a good.

Before I go hit the books, though, I want to procrastinate just a little more by pontificating on why I've realized I like this season so much (besides the Spuffy developments). A little while ago, it occurred to me that I genuinely like all of these characters this season. Which is a really good feeling to have. Last year, Xander and Willow were both barely tolerable, Dawn had plenty of irritating moments, Buffy pissed me off a lot, and even Spike was difficult to like at times. I still cared for what they were going through, but I was pretty irritated with the whole lot of them. The only regulars who remained consistently likeable all season were Anya and Tara, and look at how they were both punished for it. Oh, wait. Clem. Loved him. All season. Come back, Clem! But I digress.

Don't get me wrong, though. I'm one of the few who don't hate S6. It served as everybody's long, dark teatime of the soul, and it was a realistic and IMO necessary follow-up to everything that had gone before. People in their early twenties have identity crises. They get depressed as they try to figure out this whole adulthood thing. I know I sure did. And they do this under the best of circumstances. The Scoobies had all kinds of other crap to deal with on top of regular life stuff. Buffy especially. So what everybody went through last year makes sense to me, even as it was hard to watch and go through it with them. But they got through it, and they've all healed, or have at least made healthy progress towards healing. They're each more secure in who they are and what their place is in the world. They're supporting each other once again, capable of being there for each other even as they have to be there to save the world. The Scoobies are integrated, and they not only love each other but clearly like each other, and each of them in turn are likeable once again. Spike is still a bit of an outlier in this respect, but he's gradually being drawn into the fold.

Say what you will about plot holes or continuity inconsistencies (I myself am not without complaint in that regard), but those aren't any worse than in any other season, even the much beloved Season 3. But the Scoobs are actually making me feel the family dynamic this year, something I haven't gotten from them in a long while. I care what happens to each and every one of them, and I want good things for them all, also something that I haven't felt in quite a while. I like who these people have become. For that alone I'm in love with this season.


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