I slept till after noon today. Which is great for the feeling well rested and caught up on sleep, but terrible for the having to get up and go to class tomorrow morning and then having to go deal with ED kids all afternoon without benefit of a nap. Eh, at least I can spend today not feeling desperate for more sleep.
I'm really getting sick of being broke and not having my own vehicle at my beck and call. I really hope that a) I get my student loan remainder check soon and b) my brother gets one of this vehicles up and running so he can give me back my car. I really should have gone to the movies last night, because I'm feeling desperate to get out of the house today, even if it's just to go sit in a coffee shop while I read up on History & Systems of Modern Psychology. But as it is, I'm stuck here and doing my best not to go stir crazy. It's funny, because I'm really a chronic homebody. I think if I had the means to leave I wouldn't want to. It's just knowing I can't go anywhere today that's driving me batty.
Now for a total change of subject. I want to get a tattoo for my 30th birthday in April. I'm pretty certain I want to get this tattoo. 'Cause it comes from something I wrote, so it has more significance than just geeky fangirl obsession-of-the-moment, right? Right. So anyway, while pondering the question of what I should take with me to get signed when I meet James in Chicago in May, I thought, Hey! I could have him sign my tattoo, then I could go get his autograph tattooed over it, and then it would have added significance of commemorating both my trip to Chicago and getting to meet my biggest celeb crush ever. Then it occurred to me that that might be more than just a little insane. As such, ladies and gentlemen, I bring you my first ever LJ poll:
So what do y'all think?
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