The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Sunday, January 26, 2003

I'm a happy girly-girl. My sister came over and we were sitting around talking about girly-girl stuff like skin care, and I mentioned that I was reduced to using Vaseline (don't laugh -- my mom used it on her face most of my life and she sure doesn't look her age) as a night cream because I ran out of mine and couldn't afford more. Then our mom piped up and said that somebody gave her a whole bunch of free Avon stuff, so after my sis left we went and dug through the supply. I ended up with a whole line of fancy-schmancy skin care stuff. Yay for free Avon!

I'm really pleased with the new forum. So far it's SO much better than the free Ikonboard. The move brought in some new folks and jumpstarted some good discussion, too. So yay for that also.

I slept until 11:30 both today and yesterday. Today I even set my alarm to get up earlier and snoozed right through it. That's not going to be good when I have to get up at 7:30 tomorrow morning. Of course, staying up till 2 chatting on AIM last night probably wasn't such a good idea, but I had fun, so I guess I'll just have to be tired tomorrow. I should sign off and go do some cleaning, since yesterday I blew off everything in favor of setting up the new forum. But I also need to read up for my Soc. Theory class. Hmm. Housework, or social theory? Steam clean animal pee out of my carpet or read an 18th century sociology dissertation? I really can't decide which I'd like to do less. I think I may just play on the 'net a bit longer.


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