The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Two classes this morning, then I helped out in my sister's classroom this afternoon, with a commute to Tulsa in between. And now I'm feeling completely drained. I hate how easily I get worn out. I still have homework to do, though, so I guess I'd better suck it up and push on. Especially if I want to chat after Angel.

Not a whole lot to say about last night's Buffy. I enjoyed it. [spoilers]They gave me enough Spiffy sweetness to tide me over for a while (I love how even an ep that doesn't focus on them can be so totally Spiffy), and there was some great Scoobage (my Xander love is now fully restored). I didn't even get annoyed with the SiTs (I love that Rona and Molly are totally on board the Spiffy 'ship). I confess I did get a little bored with Dawn & Amanda's plight, but mostly just because I knew Spike and Buffy were running around town together and I wanted the camera to be on them; and there were a few nits that I could pick if I were bitter and looking for reasons to hate the episode, but since I'm the opposite of both those things they certainly didn't ruin it for me. I do hope they explain where the hell Chloe was, though, or what's happened to her if she's gone for good (which I admit I really wouldn't mind).

A big HEE! to Buffy's final desperate attempt to cling to her denial. Even she's not buying it anymore. She's falling for Spike and falling hard. And a BWAH! to "high-functioning schizophrenic," and HOORAY! to the DBZ/Vegeta reference. Though that should more accurately be applied to Spike. Plus a "Phew!" to Dawn not being a potential. I had pretty much figured this was a foregone conclusion and had already accepted it as such, but I'm glad we were all wrong. Which reminds me, another BWAH! to Anya's "Yeah, I never got that" in re: Buffy & Dawn having the same blood. Oh, and a YAY! to Clem. Don't be a stranger, Clem!

This was episode 12, which is traditionally Buffy's birthday. Maybe they moved it to 13 like they did in S5. Or maybe they're taking Spike's suggestion from last year to heart and not celebrating it for once. Guess we'll find out with the next ep.

Craig Kilborne was on past my bedtime, so I had to tape it. I watched James Marsters's appearance today on my lunch break and spent the entire drive to Tulsa with a big goofy grin on my face. I'm so ridiculously in love with that man. My God, but could he be any more adorable? I'm not sure that's possible. I love him. Do ya hear me? LOVE! HIM! I have this whole faith based celibacy thing going on, but given the opportunity I'd totally give it up for that guy.


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