The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Thursday, January 16, 2003

Woke up this morning, looked out the window, and saw snow. Lots of it, coming down hard. Figured we were finally getting that blizzard the weather folks kept harping on about, and that I wouldn't be going anywhere for a while, said a silent prayer of thanks, and went back to bed.

Woke up a couple hours later and looked out the window, only to see a slight dusting of snow on the neighbors' rooftops and nothing else.


So I'm not even through the first week of the semester and I've already skipped a class. One taught by the Dean too, the only one he's teaching this semester and a very small class at that, so he's sure to notice and remember. But at least he told us the other day that class attendence is strongly preferred but not absolutely required, so he won't be knocking any points off for it. I'm still mad at myself for getting a B last semester in Gender Psych solely because I didn't show up enough and the prof knocked me down a letter for it.

Even so, I'm still hoping the snow will come back and save me from my 2:30 class. Even if it doesn't, at least I'm all caught up on sleep now, and that's a good feeling to have.

In other news, I finally got a beta back on the last chapter of That I May Cease To Be last night (thanks DP!). It was a nice ego-soothing beta too, full of praise, which was just what I needed as I'm still not entirely over my most recent self-confidence issues and I've had serious doubts as to whether my ending works. Now if I could just get one or two more back (*cough*adj*cough*) I could go ahead and get that puppy posted. Wouldn't it be nice if I could get it up tonight?

Also, as much as I'm adoring soulvamp's journal, I'm beginning to suspect that I'm being surreptitiously spoiled. So I might have to defriend him. At least the First Evil seems to be sticking to spoiler-free snarkiness. I'm not reading any of those other character journals but I've been told they can be pretty spoilerific, so you might want to watch out for those if you're the spoiler-averse type like me.


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