The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Thursday, January 09, 2003


  • Happy birthday to the lovely, talented and witty Miss Windy.

  • People on the Internet are so generous. I guess it's kinda sad that this always surprises me, but it does. And it's also very touching. And greatly appreciated.

  • Various thoughts floating around re: feedback. Giving it, responding to it, how late is too late, what have you. I'm about to reach a decision that I should just embrace my suckitude and start discouraging feedback. Because no matter what I try or how good my intentions I just can't seem to respond with any semblance of timeliness, and it piles up and I get unbelievably stressed out about it and paralyzed with guilt. So if you're reading this, and you've sent me feedback and haven't received a response, my profuse apologies. And if you were considering ever sending me feedback and hoping for/expecting a response, please, just don't. I love it, appreciate it, learn from it, but I just can't figure out how to handle it. So if you need a reply to your feedback, please, just save it.

  • I talked myself out of writing the Order of Taraka story, at least for the time being. Too much other stuff going on. Big thanks to those who encouraged me to write it (she said sarcastically whilst casting a glare at her enablers). Maybe someday, after all my other fic projects are finished and my book is well under way, if the idea is still nagging at me. But that day is a long way away. In the meantime, if anybody else wants to take the bunny and run, be my guest.

  • Today I'm writing and making CDs. And that is all. I'm thisclose to finishing TIMCTB. Still haven't quite got the ending worked out (I hate getting Jossed mid-fic), but I'm sure it'll come to me.

  • New DL coming this Sunday. Count on it.


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