Happy New Year's Eve, and happy Tuesday (don't forget the new Buffy preview tonight!).
Le sigh. Another NYE spent single and with nowhere to go. Just as well. I'll spend my evening cleaning house. It'll be therapeutic, and symbolic, and stuff.
I'm not bothering with resolutions, but I am making some changes. I gave up pop as of today, which is gonna be painful, especially seeing as how so much of my writing this past year has been fueled by Diet Coke. But I can do it. I'm not really going on a diet, but I am going to start paying closer attention to what I eat and try to eat real food instead of grabbing stuff out of the vending machines at school. Yesterday I got my bedroom all cleaned out and I'm putting all of my exercise equipment in there, along with my small TV (I put it back in my bedroom last night. I had to turn it away from me when I went to bed and sleep with the light on. Shut up. The Ring messed me up, y'all) and old VCR and all of my Buffy videos so I can watch those while I work out. I have to lose at least 20 pounds by May. Or, at least two clothing sizes. I don't actually own any scales and I don't really know how much I weigh now so yeah, I think I'll go by clothing sizes. My daily eating habits aren't really that terrible so I'm pretty sure exercise is the key.
Anyway. I'm also, as I said, cleaning house and trying to get some organization going, but I'm not deluding myself into thinking that'll last. But it'll be nice to start the new year off that way. I also need to start treating the band manager thing like a real job and make it a higher priority. I sure as hell can't get paid if they don't have any gigs lined up. Plus I love my nephew dearly and it makes him so happy to play in front of people, so I want to make that happen for him.
Personal goals for this year include writing my novel (if I can write 92,000 words of fanfic in one year, then by God I can get this book written in a year) (by the by, I posted a background story about the protagonist in my LJ last night; didn't post it here because too many kids and family members and people who are otherwise easily offended by my sensibilities persist in reading my blog, for some reason, and it contains things that are not for a child's eyes), finishing my degree(s), and applying to grad school. And also getting to a doctor and getting back on my thyroid medication.
I lied. I am making a resolution: To start a conversation with the Brit Boy (assuming he's in any of my classes this semester). I'd like to resolve to flirt with him madly but my flirtation skills leave a lot to be desired so I'll have to settle for talking to him and hope that that's enough. And that's a pretty big step right there. Sigh. I wish I wasn't such a spaz.
Anyway. I hope everyone reading this has an enjoyable New Year's Eve, and that you all have a blessed 2003.
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