The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Monday, December 30, 2002

I'm cleaning today. Or, beginning it anyway. Heavy duty that involves organization and rearranging and hauling the big carpet cleaner upstairs. It'll probably take me a few days, but at least I can start the new year off with a clean house. It's nice, though, knowing I can take my time with it and don't have to feel rushed. I'm gonna be bummed when my winter break is over.

I actually have a pretty extensive To Do list this week, besides the cleaning, which includes various band-related tasks and making another stab at catching up on all my e-mail and putting together all of the DL CDs for people who have those coming and mailing out packages that I promised to people (Chad, your video's coming! So is an e-mail! Promise!). All of which would be a lot easier if I wasn't so lazy and lethargic. I'm also aiming to finish (at least a draft of) TIMCTB this week. So I'll leave my computer on so I can run over and write down anything that occurs to me on that front as I clean. Which also means I'll be reachable through e-mail all day if any of you (fenwic) need anything.


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