I'm trying to renew my domains. Dotster is not the most user friendly site on the web. It's not letting me put domain renewal and URL forwarding all on one order, and it's not accepting my credit card info. It's not not accepting my credit card, just the info. Every time I submit it just kicks me back to the page to enter said info, with nary an error message in sight to let me know what the problem is. Grrr. Oh, hey, that time it took it. I guess complaining publicly is the key.
So once I get that done, I really need to take care of some stuff for the band. I'm trying to get ahold of some halfway decent recording equipment so I can make a tape of their accoustic show tomorrow night. I also need to update their press kit, and put some more CDs together to sell at said show. Aside from all that, I really need to finish my DL 3.8 revisions today. I think I'm going to cut my to do list for today off there. I was thinking about finally doing my Christmas shopping today, but I'll have to do that Saturday instead, even though traffic will be horrendous.
I tried to get my revisions done last night, but after the race I got SOOO sleepy. So I went to bed. And proceeded to just lie there for 2 hours, not sleeping. Even after I took something to help me fall asleep I couldn't sleep. But I was too tired to get up and work on revisions anyway (when I'd tried earlier I was just skipping over a lot of beta suggestions because I was just too tired to think about them, so that was no good), and stubborn, so I continued to lie there in the dark thinking wild and random thoughts. Sometimes I have disliking for my brain.
Survivor finale tonight. I have no idea who to root for. I just know I don't want Clay to win. But I probably shouldn't post that seeing as how things turned out with TAR's Flo. Oh well.
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