The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Sunday, December 15, 2002

I'm getting around to writing. I was on a roll with part 4 last night but then I took a "quick break" to make some LJ icons (shut up!) and then adjrun showed up on AIM and I never really got back to the writing. I'm going to try to finsh 4 today, though. And betas are starting to come back on 3, so it shouldn't be long before I can post that.

I finally finished a scene for DL that's been killing me to write, but that one won't show up until Ep. 10. And I think I figured out a solution to a problem I've been having with the final scene for Ep. 15. Anyway. On my fanfic to do list is to complete revisions for my scenes for Ep. 8, finish the current fic, then write my two remaining scenes for my contribution to Ep. 10, then I'll tackle Ep. 11. After that I'm not up again until the finale and I swear to GOD and all that is good in Heaven and Earth that at that point I will turn some focus back to my novel. I might go ahead and post the rough draft of the prologue here at that point. Maybe that'll encourage me to get with it.

Star Trek made me cry. I posted my thoughts about it in the forum if you care. I was a little sad that Terrence didn't have time to go eat with us after, but that gave me time to get across the street to SuperTarget and pick up a birthday card for my mama, and it's probably better that I got home sooner rather than later. I couldn't really afford a big meal anyway.

As I said, as soon as I finish a draft of TIMCTB part 4 I will answer my e-mail and send confirmations and thank yous to everybody who's donated or otherwise helped with DL. But I feel that getting y'all your money's worth in fic is the most appropriate thanks I can give. And now, back to the writing.


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