The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

So last night I got myself a live journal. Yes, I said I'd never get one of those. I also said I'd never write non-DL fanfic again. So sue me. There is where you can look if this site goes down to see what the Dickens is up with that. And also if I don't update here in forever you can check there to see if it's all Blogger's fault. That's about all I'll use it for (well, I'll probably also announce fic updates there, because I pimp those everywhere I can). Mostly I got it so I don't have to be anonymous over there anymore and keep getting locked out of friends-only posts. But I bought a year's worth of Blogger Pro service and by God I'm going to get my money's worth, so this is still the primary place to find me and all of my ramblings. Anyway. Big thanks to Little_Bit for slipping me the code and letting me in.

My back is not great, but it's not as bad as I expected it to be either, so for that I'm thankful. I keep doing the stretches that my chiropracter gave me a while back, and alternating with an ice pack and heating pad and putting BioFreeze on it, which is all making it tolerable enough that I'm okay while I'm sitting and I can move around okay. And it's not all bruised like I thought it would be.

I had bizarre dreams last night. I won't bore you with the details (besides, I don't remember a lot of them anyway), but it had a lot of cameo guest stars, including Spike and the rest of the Scoobie Gang (of whom Lane Kim from The Gilmore Girls was a member. And Tara was alive!), Ewan McGregor, and Green Lantern. The black one from the Justice League cartoon, not Hal Jordan or Kyle Rayner. And yes, I had a dream featuring both Spike and Ewan and it was not a sexy dream. My subconscious hates me.

Aye, me. I had my last test yesterday. Today my gender psych prof is making is meet so he can critique our posters and tell us our grade on those, and then I'm done. I'm wondering if I should even bother trying to sell my books back. They never take any of them. I can think of one that they might go ahead and take back and I probably won't get much for it. But some is better than none and I need the cash, so I guess I'll do that. I really need to put all my text books up on e-bay.

New DL is coming soon. The new bit is being checked over for continuity errors, and once that's done I'll post it. And I think I've heard back from everybody on part 2 of the new fic, so I'll work on getting that ready to post soonish. I really want to finish part 3 first, though. Anyway. New fic coming tonight.


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