The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Tuesday, December 03, 2002

I had presentations all day today. I'm a-tired. Happy, though, 'cause it was the last day of my internship seminar and I finally talked to the Brit Boy, even though it was just in the context of a Q&A session about my internship experience. At least I can be fairly certain that he'll be in my Internship 2 class next semester, so I can have 9 more weeks of being a big honking coward and failing to make a move. Also happy because I just have to get through three more classes, one more poster presentation, one quiz and one test which is NOT a comprehensive final, and then I'm done with this semester.

I'm also ridiculously giddy over the upcoming Buffy ep. I broke down and read the TV Guide synopsis (just like I usually do) and this one was spoilery than they have been so far. Now I wish I wasn't spoiled. For one thing, I have to refrain from any more speculation discussions between now and then. Plus, I'd have liked to be surprised. So consider that your warning not to read the episode synopsis.

This article about fans o' Spike is really rather irksome. Pretty obvious that the author has never actually watched the show, nor did she bother to check any facts about the character. And don't even get me started on how shallow and pathetic it makes us look. Although, anyone with half a brain should realize that a twelve-year-old is probably not going to be very representative of the entire fanbase. And why the hell is she interviewing a twelve-year-old about Spike, anyway? According to the rating system she shouldn't even be watching this show. Also? How exactly does one "bleed suggestively"?


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