Fizzgigg sits here and barks at me until I give him a doggie treat. Once he gets said treat, what does he do? He drops it on the floor and then curls up beside and goes to sleep. He's an odd little hairball.
I'm glad that [Survivor spoiler start] Clay lost, but I'm not thrilled about Brian winning. I'd have loved for Jan to win, especially after what Brian said last week about her being disposable. I gotta say, though, the jury questioning part is so much more fun when everybody hates both of the people they have to choose between.[/spoiler] Also, I was happy that Jeff hosted the reunion special. It never made sense to me that he went away and let Bryant Gumble or Rosie or whoever take over, when he's the one who would know the best questions to ask and be able to get to the bottom of things. The way he did tonight. I hope he hosts all of them from now on. I never noticed before tonight how big his ears are, though. For a while I couldn't stop staring at them. Also? I'm pretty sure he was flirting with Erin. Hee.
I got the press kits done. Well, I got a press kit done. I'm pretty happy with it and I think the boys will like it. Hopefully we'll come away with enough tips and CD profits after the show tomorrow night that I can buy the materials to make more and send them out. That is assuming that I remember to actually take the CDs to the show this time.
I got through about half of the scenes I needed to revise for 3.8. I'll be up until I get the rest of them done. It'll probably be Saturday before I can get back to work on TIMCTB. I probably should've held off on posting 4 so updates would be a little more evenly spaced, huh? Oh well. Only two more chapters to go, and they shouldn't take me too long once I have time to sit down and do them.
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