The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Saturday, December 21, 2002

I just added an Amazon shop to Dancing Lessons, so y'all can help support the site by using that when you need to shop Amazon.

Got my report card. I got one B, in Gender Psych, which I'm sure must be due to my attendance (or lack thereof) because I did nothing but A work in that class. Sigh. I'll have to be better about showing up next semester. The good news is, I finally dragged my GPA up above a 3.0. So I'm eligible to join Psi Chi now, which is a good thing if I want to get in to grad school.

The band did a great job last night. But they surprised me by announcing that their ex-drummer is no longer ex. So now I have to put him back on the web site and in all their press materials. No big, I just wish they'd told me before I took him out of everything. And I'm glad I hadn't already made several copies of the new press kit, 'cause then I'd really have to be irked.

As for my other nephew, they now think his scary near-coma spell last week is attributable to nothing more than an almost complete lack of potassium in his diet. So the boy just needs to eat better. Or get a good supplement. So that's good news.

Now I'm shutting myself up and writing for the rest of the day. I will be on AIM but only to powwow with the other DLers to try and get this gorram chapter finished already. Oh, and by the by, I haven't watched the Firefly pilot yet (taped it, though), so don't anybody spoil it for me.


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