I'm stressed today. No reason, really, just doing that ADD thing where I'm keenly aware of how little time there is and feel obligated to rush and do everything NOW before time runs out. Of course, I *am* behind, so that's not helping. Got up this morning but decided to stay home and write instead of going to class. Accomplished two pages of nothing but dialogue before my mom came up and interrupted to tell me that she and her friends decided not to go see Miss Saigon tomorrow because they're sure they'll be all offended by it and asked me to take their tickets back this afternoon for a refund. That on top of all of the errands I needed to run today, including mailing another batch of DL CDs, which I won't get to do now because I can't possibly return her tickets and then make it to the post office before it closes. But talking to her made me realize I was already running late, so I got around and left about 10 minutes early thinking that would be all it would take to swing by and pick up my loan check and then drop it off at the bank. Except that it took me about 40 minutes because there were extremely long and slow lines at the bank. So I got to my internship late. Thankfully, the moppets have all gone to the computer lab so I've got a little time to decompress before they get back. And maybe work a little more on the new ficlet. I'll only end up working with them for about 45 minutes, then I'm off to the Performing Arts Center to deal with mom's tickets, then I have to go to Wal-Mart, then hopefully I'll get home in time to work out before Farscape comes on. And then I can tackle the main source of my freak-out, cleaning my living space so Tess can come over after the show tomorrow and help me break in my Angel S1 DVDs. All of which means that what I did this morning and anything I manage to jot down before the kids get back is probably the only writing I'll manage until at least Sunday, and I've got more tests coming up that I need to start getting ready for and I've fallen behind on the reading, and I have at least one paper coming due and, gah! Intellectually I know it's not that big a deal and that I'll manage, but right now I'm feeling the weight of everything I need to get done in, like, the next three months and I HATE feeling like this and it's really making me wish I had some Ritalin. *Deep breath*
Anyway. Follow-up to Something Other Than Dead coming soonish.
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