The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Thursday, February 20, 2003

The hole that my cat poked in my gel-filled wrist rest has torn into a huge, purple snot oozing, dust & cat hair collecting gash. Talk about grody. I'm trying to figure out what I can patch it with but so far I've got nothing. Scotch tape works only temporarily at best. And another claw hole has been poked in the opposite end, where everynow and then I catch purple boogers creeping out. It's beginning to dawn on me that gel wrist rests and cats are unmixy things.

I ended up being home all day today. I'd planned to skip my morning class because I've been feeling a little on the cruddy side and sleep seemed much more important than yet more clarification of the social theories of Emile Durkheim, but then my mom needed to be places this afternoon and trying to figure out how to share the van and get us both where we needed to be and get all of our errands done was getting too complicated, so I said screw it, you take the van, I'll just stay home today. Le sigh. I was actually okay with this, though, because I thought, hey, more time to write! But instead of writing so far the only productive thing I've done is some site maintenance over at DL. I'm having trouble sitting still and focusing long enough to even look at my chapter. Of course, I realized a short while ago that I hadn't taken any of my herbal Ritalin substitutes all day, so that might have something to do with it. Hopefully those will kick in any minute now and I can get to writing.

In the meantime, here's someting I haven't done in forever: fun with referral logs!

For RitalinJunkie:

And I'm both amused and proud to see that Dancing Lessons is still the number one entry at Google for Buffy Spike naked. Go us!


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