LiveJournal still won't let me do something as simple as reading my friends list. Bastards.
Saw Dodge Ball, and it was teh funneh. Rip Torn and Jason Bateman especially cracked my shit up. And so did that kid from Ed.
I also spent yet more money that I don't have, but they were justifiable purchases. I found a nice pair of black dress slacks for 60% off and went ahead and grabbed them. And so I have work pants that actually fit me. All I need now is some work.
I picked up a Dora the Explorer book for my nephew (he can't get enough of that bossy little chiquita), and some more cheapy writing journals that were buy-two-get-one-free. I probably have enough of those to last me for a while, but I'm sure I'll use them eventually. I ran out of room in my Faerie Tale (and by the way, I thought that was lame and obvious even for a working title, but I found a novel tonight that actually has that title, which made me snicker, and then made me say damn, because now I definitely have to come up with something else) journal and had to work several pages into a new one to finish chapter four (and yes, I did finally finish it today).
I also bought this:
I thought it looked nice and epic along the lines of A Song of Ice and Fire without being a total rip-off of said. It's also the first book in a series. As if I need to get into yet another series. But maybe between this and The Two Towers (my current bedtime reading) and The Once and Future King, I'll be all set until the new Dresden Files comes out. Which will be good, because I'm sure to be needing a break from all the historical fantasy and sword & sorcery by then.
All that, and I wrote fic, too. All in all, 'twas both a productive and fun day. And now I'm going to pat myself on the back for a minute, and then get my tired arse to bed.
I have yet to find anyone who saw 'Dodgeball' and didn't like it. Yes, it's a dumb comedy, but it's a funny dumb comedy. Vince Vaughn deserves an award for maintaining that straight face throughout.
I wish I had a productive day like yours. I did finally attempt to download my Con pictures last night. It took me an hour and a half to download ten! Got frustrated and went to bed. Yeah, it will be awhile before I post the link to them.
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