The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

I started my new novel in earnest this morning. I hadn't planned to, but when I woke up I could see this scene so clearly that I had to get it down. As usual, I started somewhere in the middle (linear writing's for sissies!), and I'm not sure where this scene is going to fit in the overall grand scheme. But I'm really pleased with it. I think it set the tone for the whole book, and it gave me a really good handle on two of the main characters. What's more, I like these characters. It's all left me feeling kinda giddy.

Hopefully that giddiness will spill over into the query letters I need to write today. I had planned on setting aside today to clean, but looking through the freelance help wanteds last night I found several possibilities. It was much too late and I was much too tired to follow up on them last night, but I don't want to put it off any longer. But once those are done I'm cleaning. Hear that, place? *shakes tiny fist at apartment* Your cluttered, cat hair coated, stinky days are coming to an end!


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