First thoughts on "Lies My Parents Told Me." This entire post contains spoilers for that ep.
Huh. Keren & Meredith got it right. Spike really did turn his mum.
I'm not sure how I feel about this ep yet. It was a great ep. I'm relieved and proud that Spike didn't kill Wood, and I loved when Buffy said she'd let Spike kill him next time. But Giles ... Man. He totally broke my heart. And we didn't get any real Spuffy resolution, just more of Buffy obviously caring about him and yet claiming that she only needs him because he's a good warrior. And with the talk about the mission coming first, and Spike's speech about the Slayer being alone and not being able to put love first ... Oh, who am I kidding. I'll ride this 'ship to the bitter end. But the wind has definitely been taken out of my sails.
On a more upbeat note, Drusilla's reaction to Spike wanting to take his mom on the honeymoon was priceless. And also very sane. I can't believe they got Juliet Landau back and only used her for one scene.
We got more Punk Spike. That was of the good. He was wet, too. Too bad he had to be in vamp face the whole time.
Did they give Cecily a last name other than Addams, or did I misunderstand? I know it didn't make it on screen so I guess technically it's not actually canon, but that was her last name in the FfL shooting script, as well as in the tie-in novel I'm reading. And in at least two of my fics. So that bugs. And didn't Drew Goddard cowrite this ep? Tsk tsk, your continuity crown is slipping, Drew.
So, yeah. There was a lot that was good. Great, actually. And yet I'm feeling let down. By the characters, not by the show, and I guess it's a testament to how great this show was that it absolutely didn't suck and yet has left me feeling so sucky. Why, Giles? Why?
I'm gonna go look for some chocolate now.
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