The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Saturday, March 22, 2003

Well, the baby shower came off without a hitch. Wore me out, too. I forget how draining large social gatherings are for me until I try to get through them. I put the "I" in the "INFP," y'all. I should amend that to say large social gatherings of mostly people I'm not that well acquainted with or close to or have nothing in common with and therefor nothing to talk about. Or something. Or maybe it was just that I didn't completely sleep off the Tylenol PM I took last night before I had to get up and go fetch my cat from the vet. At any rate, after everybody left I went to lie down and decompress for "just a few minutes" and ended up dozing for about an hour. Then I got up and my mom and I went to Chili's for supper. Mmm, Chili's. We also stopped at the Wal-Mart Supercenter to see if they still carry Thermasilk Weightless Frizz Fighter, and much to my chagrin, they don't. This means that both of the Wal-Marts in my vicinity have stopped carrying it. Now I have to find out who does. Because I simply can't go without that stuff. Stupid Wal-Mart.

Wow. Look at all the product placement in that paragraph.

Anyway. Speaking of sleep, last night I had a creepy-ass "The Ring" related dream. Actually, in retrospect and from the waking side of things, it was more lame than creepy, but when I was actually having the dream it was disturbing. I don't remember details, but it involved hiking in the woods near my house and finding that well -- *you* know the one -- and somehow the little girl had rigged up glass around it so that it looked nice and safe, like an exhibit or something, but when you poked your head inside to look down the well a razor sharp piece of glass slid down from above and guillotined anybody dumb enough to look. On second thought, that's still pretty disturbing in retrospect, too. Stupid scary movie.

Now I'm in for the night, and I think I'm going to go watch that Winding Roads movie I taped the other night, then I'll probably end up on AIM. I'm not worrying about any of my stories for the time being. I'm actually trying *not* to think about them, in the hopes that they'll sneak up on me and barrage me with ideas. That happens sometimes. Tomorrow's gonna be all about writing, though. I'll probably have to take my pretty pen and a legal pad to a coffee shop somewhere to get it going, but by God, some writing is going to get done tomorrow! Oh yes, it will. Stupid writer's block.


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