Answer: "China-dog shrimp-poodle!"
Question: "What kind of dog do you have, Shane?"
I love my sister's students. Alas, we couldn't get him to draw us a picture.
When I said yesterday that I'd write more garden fic last night, I was suffering a brain fart that made me completely forget it was Angel night. So, maybe I'll get that written tonight. I have to watch Survivor, but I don't have to log on and chat about it after, so that'll leave room for productivity. Also, my only class tomorrow is cancelled, so I can also stay up late. Perfect conditions for ficcing.
I'm having a thought about the difference between Spike and Angel, but I want to let it brew a bit longer before I share.
I'm sorely tempted to skip my PM class, but since I already did that on Tuesday I'd better go. I think I've got time for a nap first, though, so I'm gonna go do that now.
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