The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Sunday, March 09, 2003

Christmas before last my mom gave me this pretty little single service tea set, with a small tea pot, a big honking tea cup, and a matching ceramic tray to hold them both. I thought it would look very pretty sitting on my coffee table, but for fear that Nibblet would break it, I kept it in the box and put it away in a closet, figuring I'd break it out some day when she's older and less prone to using terrorist tactics to get her way. But earlier this year, I got into drinking green tea. Something about it increasing your metabolism and warding off cancer. Then the other day I read that you have to drink two or three cups a day to really reap the benefits. So, I got out my little tea set and started making myself a whole pot at a time. This was three days ago. Today, on the third use, while pouring my second cup, I lost control of the teapot's lid and it shattered all over the floor.

Le sigh.

You know, I really like to think that I've grown out of the chronic accident proneness of my childhood, but any time I start to get too confident in that regard I go and do something like this. And now my pretty little tea set sits there, sans lid, an open, gaping mouth mocking me and my clumsiness.

Oh, and before that I dropped the lid to my mom's tea kettle in the sink and chipped the ceramic coating. I'm kinda hoping that one will go unnoticed. And if not, maybe she'll consider the entire lid from my teapot a sufficient sacrifice.

I'm just procrastinating now because I have to go clean the cat box and I don' wanna. But I also have to go get around and go to Li'l Sis's first ever baby shower. Hopefully after that's over I'll be able to come home and write. I really didn't accomplish more last night than typing up and revising what I had handwritten at Panera. But I'm two scenes away from finishing the first installment of 3.11, and I really, really want to get that done today. Plus if I could get an outline hammered out for the whole episode, that would probably be helpful to a lot of people besides myself.


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