*bangs forehead on desk*
*stops and rubs sore spot on forehead grumpily*
Okay, so, the test I've been reading for all weekend isn't until the 10th. I was right the first time. The five-page article review, however, is most definitely due tomorrow. At least I finally found an article I could use. Stupid library for not letting us access J-Stor from home. So, guess what I'll be doing all night? Grumble grumble. Actually, he's only taking 3 points off for each day late, so it might behoove me to give myself an extra day to work on it. A high A minus 3 points is still an A, after all.
I'm mostly frustrated because I haven't done this sort of thing since the first time I went to college ten years ago, when it happened chronically and my grades got all screwed up over it. Stupid ADD. If I keep pulling stuff like this I really will have to get back on the meds.
Also frustrated because I double and triple checked and Thursday's big, scary essay test is still really this Thursday and I could have spent all of my study time this weekend prepping for that instead.
Schtupid Jeanie Dummy Girl.
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