Turned out my sister didn't want me to go in to the classroom today anyway, as she was bringing Nephew #2 over to visit. So that killed a couple of hours, and then I found some more things to do to facilitate procrastination, including but not limited to: answering e-mail, making tea, playing with Fizzgigg and watching Oprah. Eventually I managed to create a title page, type up my reference section (with my one reference) and knock out an outline before I gave up. I'm just not capable of writing a paper any earlier than the night before it's due. Maybe the adrenaline rush brought on by trying to beat a deadline at the last minute helps me stay focused. Or something.
So instead I started studying for my History & Systems test. Which was broken up by a re-watch of "Fool for Love" on FX followed by "Bachelor Party" on the Angel DVDs. When I turned off the DVD player I caught the last few minutes of I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here and kinda regretted not watching it but then figured The Surreal Life was probably a lot more fun anyway. Squeezed in another hour of reading and highlighting before Miracles came on, which I actually remembered to watch this time. I was good, though. I studied during commercials (heh, originally I wrote "between commercials," which is kind of a funny typo).
Tonight's Miracles featured a creepy-ass little ghost girl, but not nearly so creepy/mindnumbingly & pants-wettingly terrifying as that little ghost girl from The Ring, so I could handle her. By the by, I'd really appreciate it if they'd stop running such frequent advertisements for The Ring on DVD, especially not when I've just settled on the sofa and pulled the TV cart over really close for better viewing and trapped myself in with nowhere to go should, say, a freaky little girl crawl out of a well and out of my TV to get me, and instead am stuck hiding my face in a throw pillow and plugging my ears and humming and rocking myself gently until the bad commercial goes away.
So tonight wasn't a total loss, even if it wasn't as productive as I'd planned. I need to put away the H&S text and read up on Marx for tomorrow's Social Theory class. I think between classes tomorrow I'll go to the library instead of coming home, and work on more test preparation. I need to turn in some overdue books anyway. If I come home I know I'll just fart around on the 'net instead of working. Actually, I'll probably do that some at the library too, but at least I'll be in an environment that's conducive to studying and won't have to combat bids for attention from Fizzgigg or the cats. Or my mom, for that matter. Oh, that's right, speaking of my mom, I have to ask and see if she needs the van for anything between my classes tomorrow. Crappity crap. This is getting so far beyond old that it's circled back 'round to young again. I want my car back!!! So maybe I won't be staying at the library tomorrow. Feh.
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