The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Monday, March 17, 2003

Well, today is shot. I spent longer than I intended on the fic after I first posted today, not wanting to quit while I was on a roll, and yet still didn't finish it. Then by the time I finished my workout and showered and dressed it was time to load Jake up. We spent two hours at the vet, most of it sitting around waiting. Finally they x-rayed him, and found nothing seriously wrong with him, so they gave us some Rimadyl for his pain and sent us home. However, the doctor suspects that he hurt his ACL in both knees, but Jake was too tense for him to be able to feel it when he checked. So if Jake doesn't show vast improvement by the end of the week they want to see him back on Friday, so they can sedate him and get a better feel of his knees.

By the time we got back home I was exhausted from all of the heavy dog lifting, so I plopped on the couch just in time to catch the last 45 minutes of "After Life." Once I got over being pissed off at having missed the whole "147 days" scene, I relaxed and enjoyed it, choking up appropriately at both "Every night I save you" and Buffy's heaven speech at the end. And thinking how utterly beautiful Spike looked in those scenes. And falling even more in love with him. Sigh.

So of course, now all I want to do is write fic in which he gets to be happy, since that's the closest I can get to giving the poor guy a hug. As such, I guess I'll just work on finishing the garden ficlet tonight, and bump all of my "I'm a writer! No, really!" plans to tomorrow. But first I'm gonna settle back and read me some new Nauti fic. Cheers!


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