And we're back! Although after more than a year on hiatus I might as well just say I'm starting over (even though one need only scroll down to view last year's posts).
This will be my venue for
At any rate, that will be the gist of this new, hopefully improved blog o' Jean. Some personal life blather might creep in here from time to time, but I'll try to keep that to a minimum. I think. I also have a livejournal for all of my fangirl blather, and I haven't decided yet where I'll put the personal stuff. So I'll just play it by ear until I get it all figured out.
For those of you who haven't been following my LJ, here's where I'm at right now: I'm a brand new college graduate with a degree in social and behavioral science that I'm not sure what to do with who is seeking employment, and I'm trying to get my freelance writing career off the ground in the meantime. Because writing is where my heart lies. It's really the only thing I can see myself doing every day for the rest of my life without losing my sanity. I have no idea what metaphorical crack I was smoking when I decided to major in psych/soc instead of English or Communications (I just know that it seemed like a really good idea at the time), but the most important thing that last three years of schooling have taught me is that writing is what I want to do. Thankfully I at least had the good sense to minor in English.
So this is me, in a nutshell, trying to launch a full-fledged writing career. Welcome to the next phase of my life. Please bear with me while I work out the bugs.
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