The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Busy busy busy. I had a job interview this morning, kind of a last minute thing at the same company where my friend Tess and my little sister both work. Saturday, Tess told me about a data control position that had been open for a while and was about to close, so the last couple of days she and I both scrambled to get my resume to the right people and this morning they had me come in and fill out an application and stick around for an interview. I don't want to jinx myself by talking about how well the interview did or didn't go. But I will say that this is really an ideal job for my current situation--it's the sort of thing where I show up and do the work and get paid, and I won't have to think about it once I leave the office, which means I'd be able to go home and write. There are actually two slots open--one 8 to 5 and the other 10 to 7. The 10 to 7 shift would mean that I would most definitely have to get myself a TiVo. But it would also mean I could get up early enough in the morning to get some writing done before work without killing myself. So I'm hoping for that one. I should know one way or the other within a week.

I also submitted my resume for a technical report writing position, but on second thought, knowing me, if I had a job where I spent all day writing reports, writing would be the last thing I'd want to do with my free time. So that job might not bode so well for my novel and other projects.

Speaking of the novel, it's plugging along. I'm well into the fourth chapter. When I get through the fifth I think I'll go ahead and type up what I've got so far and let my beta readers take a look so they can tell me whether they think I've really got a good thing going. I'm currently writing it longhand in a cheap little B&N writing journal, and I bought two more of those yesterday because this one is almost full already. As much as I both need and want a full-time job, the writer part of me hates that I have to get one, because I've got some excellent momentum going here and a job is going to severely screw that up. At least until I get settled in a routine. I just have to keep reminding myself that even if I can only write 500 words a day, as long as I keep at it I'll still finish the manuscript this year, and that ain't bad. How my remaining fic WIPs will fit into that equation, I have no clue. But I'll figure something out. I promise that I won't abandon them, no matter what happens.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I think I figured the comment thingy out. :) I just wanted to wish you luck on the data entry job. I don't want to jinx anything, but it does sound like a good situation for you. I'm envious. I'd like a job I could not think about at night.

10:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fen, here

Job prospects sounds great :) Good luck with that. Writing progress sounds even better! "Only" 500 words a day?!? But that's *fabulous*! I'm so impressed with you and looking forward to reading.

Btw, tried to reply to your latest in lj, too, but lj's being a bitch. Short version: I send you good vibes.

3:12 PM  
Blogger Jean Bauhaus said...

Thanks! And as if the LJ problems weren't bad enough, now Blogger's not telling me when people comment here. Grr.

Fennie, I don't know if you saw it or not, but I dropped a note in bit's LJ about my flight plans. Which is basically that I still don't have any.

6:23 PM  

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