The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

To: The driver of that black Mercedes
From: Jean Cousins
Subject: This afternoon on I-44

So, just how much of an asshat do you have to be to give someone the finger after they honk at you simply to make you aware that you're about to plow head-on into their front passenger fender?!! It boggles my mind. People like you are what's wrong with this world. You make me weep for humanity. Ass-tard.

I ended up at Barnes & Noble, quelle surprise. I managed to show some restraint. I didn't buy any poetry. But I did pick up this:


And this:


The second was primarily for research purposes. It has a lot of information on the Pooka, as well as other sidhe mythology about which I'm pretty clueless. So I feel justified.

Also? I finished chapter 2. It's a short chapter, but still. I believe it's safe to say that I'm on a roll. Go team me.


Blogger Richard said...

hey just wanted to say i checked out your blog.

I hate driving, at least once a week someone almost drives into my car.

Take Care.

10:59 PM  
Blogger Jean Bauhaus said...

Uh huh. Sure you're not just trying to cover your ass because you were driving that black Mercedes? Huh? Huh?!!;-)

11:03 PM  

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