The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Wednesday, April 25, 2001

We will bring you the limp and beaten body of Bob Barker!

Heh. Buffy & Angel spoilers ahoy...











Damn you, Jane Espenson! You didn't just make me tolerate the Buffy Bot, you made me love her! Damn you! Damn you straight to heck!

"It's Spike! And he's wearing the coat!"

I am SO right there with you, BuffyBot.

"Yes, he's evil, but you should see him naked!"

I'm sure that was meant to summate the entire redemptionista/'shipper standpoint. But it's more than that, dammit!

Of course, the vision of a half-naked Spike with curly, messy hair helped to soften me up quite a bit towards this episode.

And Buffy kissed him. Buffy kissed Spike. Buffy forgave Spike. Buffy loves Spike. I'm telling you, she does. Because I say so.

The mystical hokey pokey actually looked a bit like the Time Warp to me. "It's just a jump to the left..." Glory was actually rather menacing in this episode. Willow didn't bug me, Xander's hair didn't bug me, and Tara bugged me a little, but she'll get hers (or so I've heard), so it's all good. And how adorable was Anya running around trying to stake the vampire?

And Spike? Spike is a good guy now. Accept it, deal with it, and move on.

As for Angel, "COPS SUCK!" HA!

I like the new Shiny Happy Angel. He's like Angelus without all of the scary evil. And if they keep giving us all of these sweet little Angel/Cordy moments, they're going to turn me into a Cordy/Angel 'shipper. Actually, the way Cordy looked at Lindsey while he was singing almost turned me into a Cordy/Lindsey 'shipper right then and there. I hope Lindsey comes back. Please come back, Lindsey!

Lindsey sings pretty. The one good argument for Spike moving to Angel next year (not that I believe those rumors any more) is that he'd finally get to sing. Although, Joss Whedon posted on The Bronze today and said he's seriously planning a musical episode of Buffy next year, so we just might get to see Spike sing after all.

Thank you for following up Naked!Sweaty!Spike (um, is that right? Do vampires sweat?) with Half-naked!Lindsey. It was much appreciated.

"I have evil hand issues." HA! That evil hand scene made me laugh so hard I almost fell off my couch. It made up for my disappointment over not seeing an Evil Dead 2 homage scene of Lindsey fighting his own hand to the death.

Once again, great Buffy, even better Angel. If the WB doesn't let UPN have Angel, there's no reason it shouldn't do just fine on it's own. Especially not if they bring back Lindsey.


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