Happy Easter!
Check me out. I've finished converting everything. I even wrote a new bio. Go me.
My pinky hurts. My pinky on my right hand is all crooked. Seriously, it looks arthritic, and it hurts like a bitca. I'm sure it's a computer related injury. It only hurts like this after prolonged periods of coding. I need to get some ergonomic accessories, I guess; wristpads, and the like. Didn't need that sort of thing with the laptop.
I haven't named the new PC yet (that's right, I name my computers. My laptop was Opus. After the penguin, natch, but also because it was supposed to help me create my grand opus; it is what I used to write my novel, so I guess it lived up to its name). We're still in the Getting to Know You stage.
I'm downloading songs from the Dancing Lessons soundtrack, so I can make some CD's to take as party favors to BuffyCon. That's right, I'm going to a BuffyCon. Details on that later. I still don't have any recordable CD's. I guess I'll pick some up when I go get those ergonomic accessories. No hurry, seeing as how it's taking at least 30 minutes per mp3 to download. One thing that didn't get included in the upgrade was a faster modem. So bah. Work Computer (who was always known as Work Computer, by the way. I thought it best to keep a certain sense of detachment, since he wasn't really mine), how I miss thee.
Yesterday was my aunt's funeral. It was a really simple graveside service. The minister said some nice things about her, and then a few people who knew her a lot better than I ever did stood up and said some nice things about her, all of which amounted to that she was dependable, a hard worker, a caring mother, and a great friend. I guess that's not a bad impression to leave. Even so, I remember thinking, how terrible if this was it, if there was no such thing as eternity and all your entire life amounted to in the end was some people standing around and saying kind things about you. What a depressing thought. Without trying to start a controversy, I ask, those of you who don't believe in the afterlife, how does this sort of thing not depress you? For you, what's the point? Or is it like Angel's epiphany: "If nothing you do matters, then the only thing that matter is what you do?"
Another disturbing thought I had was that this week is Joyce Summers' funeral, and I bet it will make me cry. My aunt's funeral didn't make me cry, but a fictional TV character's funeral is going to make me blubber like a baby. Something is definitley messed up with that.
Anyway. Two of my remaining aunts, both of whom I'm considerably closer to than the one who died, ganged up on me after the funeral, remembering that I am, apparantly, the only unmarried person over 20 in the entire family. There's a happy thought. Aunt Lela waved a dismissive hand and said that she's given up on me. There's another happy thought. Aunt Roma, though, took my hand and told me not to worry, that there is somebody special out there for me, and that I shouldn't give up looking, and I shouldn't settle for just anyone who comes along, because you know, children, 28 is the age where if you haven't yet found that certain someone it's time to grab the first not-too-terribly offensive man who comes along, or else resign yourself to a lifetime spent in the company of cats.
That said, I'll be getting a new kitten soon. My little sister's cat is preggers, and I really think my bitch-kitty could use a playmate. Hopefully it will keep her from being so terribly jealous of Fizzgigg, and pouncing on him every time he tries to walk through the room. Of course, I do realize that what will probably happen is she'll teach the kitten to pounce on him, and then they'll gang up on him. Poor little guy. It's sad, but at the same time it's pretty comical. Much like my life.
I should get that on a tee-shirt.
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