The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Wednesday, April 04, 2001

An invitation to my high school reunion came in the mail today. As if it's not bad enough that I'm going to be 28(!) in two days, I had to get that nice little reminder that I'm officially at the beginning of that wonderful little journey called Getting Old.

Of course, I'm not going. You may have noticed, if you've kept up with this little blog for very long, that I harbor a certain amount of bitterness towards the majority of my high school class. It was made up of an inordinate amount of cruel bastards, and on the odd occasion when I run into any of them in public, I have yet to see any evidence that any of them have changed much. There were a few exceptions, but I'm already in touch with most of those, so there's no need to go subject myself to a night of reliving painful memories with people who went out of their way to let me know they hated me.

If you recall, back in October I blogged that one of my classmates died of an aneurysm. They're going to have a memorial ceremony for him at the reunion. Apparantly they're going to lay a brick with his name inscribed on it in one of the new buildings on the schoolgrounds. It's a nice gesture. But somehow I don't think it makes up for the fact that if he were alive and he attended the reunion, nobody would give him the time of day. This guy was even lower in the pecking order than I was, and folks, I was pretty low. I suppose everyone who mistreated him--which was pretty much everyone--had an attack of concience after hearing that he died. Maybe this brick thing will help them sleep better at night. I really don't want to be a part of helping a bunch of hypocrites ease their guilt. It was well-earned guilt. I realize that's not a very Christian attitude for me to have, but damn it, they just shouldn't get off that easy.


On a happier note, I'm going to put orange streaks in my hair. I don't know how well they'll show up, but the color I bought looks like a much brighter orange than my natural light auburn, so I'm hoping it'll be enough of a contrast. I also bought a lot of girly hair accessories, and I think I've decided not to cut my hair short, but to let it grow long again. For one thing, I can't afford to maintain a short haircut. And, like I said, I'm starting to get old, and there won't be that many years left that I can wear my hair long and still look good, so I might as well enjoy it while I can.

New Buffy in two weeks! Yay! Except, according to the preview, it looks like we'll get to grieve over Joyce some more, and it will probably be another tear-jerker. And, oh yay, Angel's going to guest star to bring a little comfort to his ex. Bleah. I'm so over Buffy & Angel as a couple, and I wish the rest of the world would hurry up and catch up with me.

If you don't want to wait two weeks for a taste of new Buffy, then head over to Dancing Lessons, where I've posted part 5 of the main story, and also posted two new installments of one of the individual fics in the Extra section. I didn't write any of it, but it's good stuff. Go read it. Sign my guestbook while you're there, too. I love the feedback.


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