The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Tuesday, April 03, 2001

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: It's better than anime! What an awesome movie. I wasn't prepared for it to be so sad, though.

Of course, it was even more enjoyable for me because my obsessed little one track mind saw all kinds of parallels for Buffy & Faith.

I saw it with Terrence, natch. Since we haven't actually seen each other in person since before the holidays, we had our own belated little Christmas. He got me this, this, and one of these. I kind of feel bad because all I got him was this, but when he saw it he hopped around and said "HEE!" so I'm pretty sure he liked it.

Our conversation before the movie was interesting, in that it went pretty much like this:

Him: How was your family get together?

Me: I said pretty much everything I have to say about it on my blog already.

Him: I read something about the X-Men movie that I wanted to tell you--

Me: Yeah, Dark Pheonix. I saw it on your blog.

Him: Oh yeah. Oh, hey, there was something else I blogged a while back that I wanted to be sure you knew about... oh yeah. They're going to re-release Akira in the theaters!

Me: You didn't blog that, I did.

Him: Oh yeah.


Me: Are we just sad, or what?

Him: A little, yeah.

Me: I'm going to have to blog this conversation, though.

Him: Of course.


Me: Hey, you wanna hear some Buffy spoilers?

Him: Yeah!

Now, Terrence is my only 3D friend who also blogs, so I don't really know. Is this typical of when bloggers get together in person, or are we really just sad?


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