The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Friday, March 30, 2001

Ladies and gentlemen, I am officialy unemployed.

I actually started to get a little emotional during my exit interview and had to hurry and get out of there before I started crying. But by the time I got down to the lobby I was fine, and as I walked out the front doors, "Free" by VAST started going through my head, the sky was clear, the temperature was mild, and my mood soared. By the time I got home I was downright giddy.

But maybe that's just 'cause Jerri got voted off on last night's Survivor. I was going to post a celebratory edition of Survivor Haiku this morning, but Blogger was down for the count, and by the time it came back up I was busy doing last day type stuff, and now the haiku mood has passed. But lest we forget why her defeat is such a special, special thing, I refer you now to the last edition of Survivor Haiku, The Jerri Rant. There really is justice in this world, kids.


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