The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Sunday, April 08, 2001

Hey, Eleni! In the touring production of J&H, they took out "Good & Evil" and put "Bring On the Men" back in. Just in case you were wondering.

I, too, will be overhauling the entire web site sometime in the very near future. I was going to start on it today, in fact, but then I remembered that I have a story I'm scrambling to finish parts of, plus I should probably do some homework, considering the current unit is due in two days and I haven't even read the chapter yet.

Last night I saw Along Came a Spider. It was really very good. I can't really say much more than that without spoiling it for you, but I highly recommend it. There was one part, though, where Morgan Freeman had to run all over town on foot, and I had flashbacks to his Jogger skits on The Electric Company, and it cracked me up and caused me to giggle at an inappropriate moment, but I don't think anybody heard me, so it was cool.

Seeing as how I'm no longer stuck behind a desk all day every day, and my surfing, which wasn't very extensive to begin with, has been cut way down, I'm probably going to change to more of a one entry per day, journal type format. Hopefully, I'll find it in me to say things that are perhaps a little bit deeper, and a little more personal, and hopefully even a little more entertaining than the random fluff I usually fill this page with. I'm sure there will still be bits of random fluff floating about here and there that I'll have to put down once in a while, because my life is full of random fluff; but I'm going to try to pull this site together and make it more about me, about my writing, and my career pursuits, and who I am, and less about Buffy* and Survivor** and X-Files and comic books and whatnot. Ritalin Junkie is about to grow up just a bit. So consider yourselves warned.

*Don't worry, there will still be weekly new episode commentary and spoiler links, at least during weeks that actually have new episodes.
**There will still be Survivor Haiku, too.


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