No Buffy spoilage today. I've decided to avoid spoilers for the rest of the season, and I'm not going to tempt myself by looking them up just for you. All of my detailed spoiler sources are linked in the Elsewhere section (Buffy In a Flash already has the closed captioning for tomorrow night's ep posted, so if you really want to be spoiled you can just go read the whole episode), if you really just can't wait another day.
Speaking of Buffy, Fandomshop went out of business without ever sending me my free Spike figure. So feh on them. I received the other Series 2 figures, which I ordered for no other reason than that I had to order something to get the Spike figure, and I figured he might as well have company on the shelf. Plastic Oz is cool, of course. Plastic Giles is all right, but it bugs me that they didn't give him glasses. Plastic Buffy really only looks like Buffy in the face from certain angles, and she looks pissed off. And you can't pose her to do a high kick. And she doesn't hold onto her weapons very well. That would be okay, because she was just supposed to be a companion for Plastic Spike, but there is no Plastic Spike. Instead there's just a sad little empty space on the shelf beside Plastic Buffy, and it's depressing me, because I wonder if it's an omen about the rest of the season. My 'shipper hopes can't even be realized through action figures.
To everyone who has wished me well on my job hunt: Um, job hunt? What job hunt? Seriously, my comment the other day about beginning a job hunt was just as serious as the phony JLA job opening link that it accompanied. No, I haven't hit the wall of desperation that will compell me to get out and find a real day job yet, and I hope I never do. I just got my US tax refund today (confession: I didn't do my state taxes until last night. Procrastination, thy name is Jean), and my savings haven't been entirely drained yet, so I'm not even feeling enough of a crunch yet to compell me to go sign up at the temp agency. I expect that to come sometime next week.
This week I'm going to write, and pretend that that is actually my job. Which it is, even though so far it's not making me any money to speak of. I've got four stories in the works, two of which I'm going to try to sell (the other two are fanfic. Won't be making any money off of those, but I've already committed myself, and besides, I enjoy writing them, and people seem to like them). I'm hoping that by the end of the week I'll have them both ready to submit. I'm not sure yet where I'll submit them to, and it may take me the weekend to figure that out, but hopefully come Monday I can begin the joyous task of waiting for rejection letters (and hoping for paychecks, instead). It'll make me feel like a real writer again.
I'd planned to include some interesting, or comical, or just zany links with these entries, but I haven't been surfing much lately, and as such I haven't found anything interesting, comical, or zany to which to link. My web travels of late have pretty much been limited to what's on my links page, and I haven't even been able to completely make the rounds to all of those lately. So no links for you. Not that I've ever been that good with the linkage, anyway; hence, why I stopped calling this a web log.
New episodes of Roswell start back up tonight, and I'm trying to rewatch the rest of this season of Buffy so far before the new episodes start. I watched Checkpoint last night, though I confess I only really paid attention to the Spike scenes. I still need to watch "Bloodties," "Crush," and "The Body," though I'm not sure I want to watch that last one again. The funeral ep will be hard enough to get through as it is. I probably won't watch that robot episode, because I'm still pissed off at it, and still somewhat in denial that it ever happened. Vampires and robots just don't mix, dude.
Why? Because it's wrong.
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