The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Monday, November 27, 2000

I can't tell you how much I hate -- I mean fucking HATE -- that stupid anti-right-click "hey, don't steal my pictures, man!" script that some people use on their sites. I hate it so much that I refuse to blog or link to any site that uses that script, no matter how great (or how laughable) the site may be. Does it keep me or anyone else with a modicum of knowledge about how web sites work from looking at (or copying) your source code? No. Does it keep us from being able to snag your pictures? No. Does it irritate the shit out of us? Damn straight! Why? Because of what it does do. It DOES keep us Blogger-powered 'bloggers from being able to use our handy-dandy little right-click "blog this!" link, which means that if we want to 'blog your site we have to do it the time consuming way by going to the Blogger web site, signing in, and posting there, which is usually more effort than it's worth. It DOES keep us from being able to open one of your external links in a new window if we so desire, so that we can view other pages without having to leave your page. It DOES keep us from being able to copy and paste quotable text into our blog entries. On framed sites, it DOES keep us from being able to print or refresh a single frame. It DOES keep us from using the right-click shortcut to add you to our favorites folder. It DOES insult us by assuming that we are all theives who are up to no good. It DOES suggest that you probably have a much higher opinion of your own design than most of your visitors.

In short, there is not one single redeeming quality to that script, and when I become Queen of the Internet, it will be eliminated, and offenders will be taken out and shot.


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