Buffy & Angel spoilers ahoy!
"Slayer musk: bitter & aggravatin'."
I love Spike.
I don't hate Riley, though, and I'm worried about the boy. He's going to go and get himself turned, isn't he?
The scenes with Buffy's mom almost made me cry. Whedon won't really let her die, will he? That's just... it's just... Please don't let Buffy's mom die!
What the hell is the deal with Tara's red hair? Is this just one more step towards the seeming attempt to meld her and Willow into one non-distinct quirky red-headed witch being? When we see them together now, should we just say "hey look, there's Willa" or "oh, here comes Tarrow"? Feh.
Speaking of hair, Cordy's new 'do is going to take some getting used to.
That Tony Todd is one creepy sumbitch, with or without demon makeup.
I liked the hep-cat Angel. I'm not too worried about him, no way are they going to let our hero go permanently bad on us. I'm confident he'll get a handle on this reawakened bloodlust. Eventually. I hope.
I have to confess that I liked Kate when they first introduced her. It was only towards the end of last season that she started to really piss me off. I feared the events of this episode would give her a legitimate reason to hate Angel and she'd become even more of a nuisance, but it seems to have had the opposite effect. Maybe she'll lighten up and become somewhat likeable again after this.
I can't believe Cordelia kept that necklace. And her teeth really are kind of big.
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