The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Thursday, April 26, 2001

Those two non-fanfic stories I mentioned that I was working on? I never got anywhere with them. They were both stories I started some time ago, and I've decided that maybe the reason I either didn't finish them or didn't do anything with them in the first place is because they're just not very good. Neither was working very well for me. Last night, however, I started a brand new story that's not fanfic, and so far I'm pretty pleased with it. It's an idea that's been incubating in my brain for over a year. Actually, last year when Tess and I got it into our heads that we wanted to produce an independent movie (we get silly ideas like that from time to time, and they always seem doable for a while, which is always very exciting, but then either reality or laziness sets in and we don't follow through; our most recent such idea was to open up a sci-fi themed internet café along with one of Tess' co-workers. I think we gave up on this idea 'round about the same time we realized that we wouldn't be able to afford a wait/cashier staff and we'd have to do that sort of work our selves. A prissy little bunch are we.), and this story was going to be our screenplay. I've made different attempts at writing it over the past year, but it wasn't working, but last night something just clicked, and it started coming out in a way that felt right. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that suddenly the narrator sounds (in my head) just like Christian Kane. Except without the evil hand issues.

Night before last I also wrote another story that is fanfic. You can find it here.


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