The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Monday, January 15, 2001

I saw AntiTrust this weekend. The good: It actually had a twist that did not get spoiled in the trailer, which was great, because up until that point I thought the trailer had already shown everything worth seeing. Plus, Tim Robbins. Isn't he keen? The bad: Not as much fun as Hackers, and not quite as suspenseful as The Net, but still, it was a fun enough ride. I think there were quite a few computer geeks in the audience (I could tell because they kept commenting on the code seen onscreen, and they kept laughing at things that I didn't realize were supposed to be jokes), and this movie must have been more accurate than either of the above, because they all applauded at the end. Also, Rachel Leigh Cook. Normally she's great, but something about her performance in this movie struck me as being under par. The ugly: Ryan Phillippe's little Clark Kent glasses that were supposed to transform him into Übergeek Extraordinaire. Shyeah. Whatever. Also, Tim Robbins' hair. It wasn't very keen at all.

Also this weekend, I bought and watched The Slayer Chronicles. Faith is cool. 'Nuff said. Except, she told Buffy that "Little Miss Muffet is coming down on the 7-3-0." So, I get that Little Miss Muffet is Dawn (interesting that she was foreshadowed all the way back in Season 3), but I'm starting to get tired of these 7-3-0 references. I hope they explain that soon. I've read some interesting speculation about it, but I have no idea what it could be.

I remember when I used to spend Monday mornings going on about X-Files in much the same way I go on about BtVS on Wednesdays... but my heart's just not in it anymore. Not that it's not still a good show, I like Doggett and it's kind of fun, if somewhat strange and off-putting, to see Scully doing Mulder's schtick, but it's just not what it was. My excitement has been dwindling ever since they killed off the entire Syndicate, and now with CSM and Mulder both gone, and no sign of Krychek anywhere, it's just, bleah. I'm holding out for the return of Mulder in February, and maybe Ratboy will put in an appearance, and it will achieve greatness again, but I'm not going to let my hopes get up too high.


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