The Original Blog O' Jean

Also known, at various life stages, as Random Thought Process, RitalinJunkie, and JeanJeanie.Net.

Thursday, January 11, 2001

Internal e-mail hijinks!

Apparantly somebody exploded a bowl of chilli on the 40th floor yesterday. I know this because the person who had to clean it up saw fit to send a snotty e-mail about it to the entire company. And then several more people saw fit to use "reply to all" to send their snotty replies (do these people not realize that these are all passing before the CEO? Idjits). When I'd had quite enough of that, I jumped into the fray by asking everyone to please stop using "reply to all." After that, a big cat fight ensued between the originator of the first snotty message and some of the snotty repliers, all of whom continued to reply to all. So people in my department keep telling me, "Run away, Jean, run away!" Heh. Also, I forgot to turn off my return receipt when I sent forth my plea for sanity, so my In-box is filling up with those about three times as fast as I can delete them. So that's how my morning has been spent so far. How's yours?


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